Source code for pymunge.context

# Module pymunge.context - provides the MungeContext class
# Copyright (C) 2017-2018 nomadictype <nomadictype AT>
# pymunge is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
# Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your
# option) any later version.  Additionally, you can redistribute it
# and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# pymunge is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
# and GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# and GNU Lesser General Public License along with pymunge.  If not, see
# <>.

"""This module provides the MungeContext class and functions to encode
and decode credentials. The core of pymunge."""

from pymunge.error import MungeError, MungeErrorCode
from pymunge.enums import CipherType, MACType, ZipType
import pymunge.raw
import ctypes
import socket
import struct

[docs]class MungeContext(object): """A MUNGE context. Encapsulates a collection of options used when creating a credential, or obtained from decoding a credential. `MungeContext()` creates a new context with default attributes. As contexts are mutable, the context's attributes can subsequently be modified by assigning values to them. If `ctx != None`, `MungeContext(ctx)` creates a copy of the context `ctx`. (For `ctx == None`, `MungeContext(ctx)` is equivalent to `MungeContext()`.) Modifying attributes in the copy does not affect the attributes of the original context. A `MungeContext` should be closed when it is no longer used. The easiest way to do this is to use the `MungeContext` as a context manager for a 'with' statement, which automatically closes the context when the 'with' scope ends, e.g.: >>> with MungeContext() as ctx: >>> do stuff with ctx >>> # ctx is now closed Typical `MungeContext` usage patterns: * For encoding: >>> with MungeContext() as ctx: >>> (set attributes of ctx, if needed) >>> cred = ctx.encode(payload) * For decoding: >>> with MungeContext() as ctx: >>> payload, uid, gid = ctx.decode(cred) >>> (check attributes of ctx, if needed) """ def __init__(self, ctx=None): """If ctx is None, create a new context (with all options set to their defaults initially). If ctx is not None, create a copy of ctx. """ if ctx is not None: self.ctx = pymunge.raw.munge_ctx_copy(ctx.ctx) else: self.ctx = pymunge.raw.munge_ctx_create() def __del__(self): if hasattr(self, 'ctx'): self.close() def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback): self.close()
[docs] def close(self): """Close this context, releasing any resources associated with it. Once a context is closed, it cannot be reopened. It also cannot be used to encode or decode credentials, nor can its attributes (other than `closed`) be read or set (in each case, a `MungeError` is raised). Calling `close()` on an already closed context has no effect.""" if self.ctx is not None: pymunge.raw.munge_ctx_destroy(self.ctx) self.ctx = None
@property def closed(self): """True if this context is closed, False otherwise. This property cannot be explicitly set, instead use the `close()` method to close the context.""" return self.ctx is None
[docs] def encode(self, payload=None): """Create a MUNGE credential using the options defined in this context. Optionally, a payload (byte string) can be encapsulated as well. If successful, returns the credential (a byte string), otherwise raises a `MungeError`.""" self._ensure_is_open() if isinstance(payload, bytes): return pymunge.raw.munge_encode(self.ctx, payload, len(payload)) elif payload is None: return pymunge.raw.munge_encode(self.ctx, None, 0) else: raise TypeError('Payload must be bytes or None, got %s' % type(payload).__name__)
[docs] def decode(self, cred): """Validate a MUNGE credential. The attributes of this context will be set to those used to encode the credential. If successful, returns `(payload, uid, gid)`, where `payload` is the payload encapsulated in the credential, and `uid`, `gid` are the UID/GID of the process that created the credential. Otherwise a `MungeError` is raised. For certain errors (i.e. `EMUNGE_CRED_EXPIRED`, `EMUNGE_CRED_REWOUND`, `EMUNGE_CRED_REPLAYED`), the `payload`, `uid` and `gid` can still be obtained via the `result` property of the raised `MungeError`.""" self._ensure_is_open() if isinstance(cred, bytes): return pymunge.raw.munge_decode(cred, self.ctx) else: raise TypeError('Credential must be bytes, got %s' % type(cred).__name__)
@property def cipher_type(self): """Symmetric cipher type (a `CipherType`).""" return CipherType(self._get_option(pymunge.raw.MUNGE_OPT_CIPHER_TYPE, ctypes.c_int)) @cipher_type.setter def cipher_type(self, cipher_type): self._check_arg_type(cipher_type, "cipher_type", CipherType) self._set_option(pymunge.raw.MUNGE_OPT_CIPHER_TYPE, ctypes.c_int, cipher_type.value) @property def mac_type(self): """Message authentication code type (a `MACType`).""" return MACType(self._get_option(pymunge.raw.MUNGE_OPT_MAC_TYPE, ctypes.c_int)) @mac_type.setter def mac_type(self, mac_type): self._check_arg_type(mac_type, "mac_type", MACType) self._set_option(pymunge.raw.MUNGE_OPT_MAC_TYPE, ctypes.c_int, mac_type.value) @property def zip_type(self): """Compression type (a `ZipType`).""" return ZipType(self._get_option(pymunge.raw.MUNGE_OPT_ZIP_TYPE, ctypes.c_int)) @zip_type.setter def zip_type(self, zip_type): self._check_arg_type(zip_type, "zip_type", ZipType) self._set_option(pymunge.raw.MUNGE_OPT_ZIP_TYPE, ctypes.c_int, zip_type.value) @property def realm(self): """Security realm (a str). Not currently supported.""" r = self._get_option(pymunge.raw.MUNGE_OPT_REALM, ctypes.c_char_p) if r is not None: return r.decode('utf-8') else: return None @realm.setter def realm(self, realm): if realm is not None: self._check_arg_type(realm, "realm", str) self._set_option(pymunge.raw.MUNGE_OPT_REALM, ctypes.c_char_p, realm.encode('utf-8')) else: self._set_option(pymunge.raw.MUNGE_OPT_REALM, ctypes.c_char_p, None) @property def ttl(self): """Time-to-live (in seconds). This value controls how long the credential is valid once it has been encoded. When encoding a credential, two special values can be used: * `TTL_DEFAULT`, which specifies the default according to the munged configuration. This is the default value of this property. * `TTL_MAXIMUM`, which specifies the maximum allowed by the munged configuration.""" return self._get_option(pymunge.raw.MUNGE_OPT_TTL, ctypes.c_int) @ttl.setter def ttl(self, ttl): self._check_arg_type(ttl, "ttl", int) self._set_option(pymunge.raw.MUNGE_OPT_TTL, ctypes.c_int, ttl) @property def addr4(self): """The IPv4 address of the host where the credential was encoded, in dotted-quad notation (e.g. ''). This property cannot be explicitly set.""" ip = self._get_option(pymunge.raw.MUNGE_OPT_ADDR4, ctypes.c_ulong) return socket.inet_ntoa(struct.pack('<L', ip)) @property def encode_time(self): """The time (in seconds since the epoch) at which the credential was encoded. This property cannot be explicitly set.""" return self._get_option(pymunge.raw.MUNGE_OPT_ENCODE_TIME, pymunge.raw.time_t) @property def decode_time(self): """The time (in seconds since the epoch) at which the credential was decoded. This property cannot be explicitly set.""" return self._get_option(pymunge.raw.MUNGE_OPT_DECODE_TIME, pymunge.raw.time_t) @property def socket(self): """Path of the local domain socket for connecting with munged, a str.""" return self._get_option(pymunge.raw.MUNGE_OPT_SOCKET, ctypes.c_char_p).decode('utf-8') @socket.setter def socket(self, sock): self._check_arg_type(sock, "socket", str) self._set_option(pymunge.raw.MUNGE_OPT_SOCKET, ctypes.c_char_p, sock.encode('utf-8')) @property def uid_restriction(self): """Numeric UID allowed to decode the credential. This value will be matched against the effective user ID of the process requesting the credential decode. Default is the special value `UID_ANY`, which means no UID restriction is set.""" uid = self._get_option(pymunge.raw.MUNGE_OPT_UID_RESTRICTION, pymunge.raw.uid_t) if uid == pymunge.raw.uid_t(pymunge.enums.UID_ANY).value: return pymunge.enums.UID_ANY else: return uid @uid_restriction.setter def uid_restriction(self, uid_restriction): self._check_arg_type(uid_restriction, "uid_restriction", int) self._set_option(pymunge.raw.MUNGE_OPT_UID_RESTRICTION, pymunge.raw.uid_t, uid_restriction) @property def gid_restriction(self): """Numeric GID allowed to decode the credential. This value will be matched against the effective group ID of the process requesting the credential decode. Default is the special value `GID_ANY`, which means no GID restriction is set.""" gid = self._get_option(pymunge.raw.MUNGE_OPT_GID_RESTRICTION, pymunge.raw.gid_t) if gid == pymunge.raw.gid_t(pymunge.enums.GID_ANY).value: return pymunge.enums.GID_ANY else: return gid @gid_restriction.setter def gid_restriction(self, gid_restriction): self._check_arg_type(gid_restriction, "gid_restriction", int) self._set_option(pymunge.raw.MUNGE_OPT_GID_RESTRICTION, pymunge.raw.gid_t, gid_restriction) def _ensure_is_open(self): if self.closed: raise MungeError(MungeErrorCode.EMUNGE_BAD_ARG, "Context is closed") def _check_arg_type(self, arg, argname, argtype): if not isinstance(arg, argtype): raise TypeError("%s must be of type %s" % (argname, argtype.__name__)) def _get_option(self, option, option_type): self._ensure_is_open() val = option_type() result = pymunge.raw.munge_ctx_get(self.ctx, option, ctypes.byref(val)) return val.value def _set_option(self, option, option_type, value): self._ensure_is_open() val = option_type(value) pymunge.raw.munge_ctx_set(self.ctx, option, val)
[docs]def encode(payload=None): """Create a MUNGE credential using the default context. Optionally, a payload (byte string) can be encapsulated as well. If successful, returns the credential (a byte string), otherwise raises a `MungeError`.""" with MungeContext() as ctx: return ctx.encode(payload)
[docs]def decode(cred): """Validate a MUNGE credential using the default context. If successful, returns `(payload, uid, gid, ctx)`, where `payload` is the payload encapsulated in the credential, `uid`, `gid` are the UID/GID of the process that created the credential, and `ctx` is a `MungeContext` set to the one used to create the credential. If unsuccessful, a `MungeError` is raised. For certain errors (i.e. `EMUNGE_CRED_EXPIRED`, `EMUNGE_CRED_REWOUND`, `EMUNGE_CRED_REPLAYED`), the `payload`, `uid` and `gid` can still be obtained via the `result` property of the raised `MungeError`. Note that the context cannot be obtained from the `MungeError`; if you need it, manually create a `MungeContext` and use its decode() method.""" ctx = MungeContext() payload, uid, gid = ctx.decode(cred) return payload, uid, gid, ctx